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Products and services

  • Prontus
  • UI/UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development

The Project

In a joint effort with Turner Latin America, a modular system was defined to allow website pages to be built using different modules depending on the type of content and deployment required. The idea behind this was for web editors to be able to create pages for new TV shows without assistance from a designer or web developer, giving them independence and speed to have the information published in the shortest possible time.

Modular build

In the definition process, it was established that the site would be built based on "hubs" or pages that would be assembled using "components" or modules of different types. Components can be listings, carousels, highlights of different sizes, or videos, for example. An editor selects the components that he wants to use for a new page and arranges them in the hub, indicating what content each one should carry (which video, photos, news articles, etc). Content may be selected one by one or you could feed a content category on a carousel, for example.

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The web editor can also define some design features that the hub will have by choosing from predefined color combinations and creating special menus for the navigation of each hub.

This structure is possible thanks to the flexibility of Prontus 12, which allows all these configurations to be carried out without the intervention of web designers or developers in the daily operation of the site.

For this project we also integrated a video management system from a third party. The integration allowed all the content-related work to be done on Prontus, making it easier for web editors. The CMS then sends the uploaded videos to the video platform, where they would be stored and served to users.

The design of the site was proposed by AltaVoz considering the different sized and positioning for every module. The site is fully responsive, making it accessible from any device.

We also developed mobile applications for iOS and Android, which provide a native experience for the consumption of Chilevisión's main content. Users can access the programs, watch the chapters and watch the channel live.

Comencemos a trabajar juntos

Cotiza tu proyecto con nosotros. Podemos acompañarte en el proceso y llevar tus ideas a la web.
